Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spring is almost here, now is the time to get your garden soil prepared. Work in a good Mulch or Compost such as A&P Moisture Mulch, Harvest Supreme, Peat Moss, Manure or a combo of any of the above product with a 1/2 Mulch or Compost , 1/2 native soil mix along with bone meal and Gypsum. Bone Meal at the rate of 5 to 7 lbs per 100 square foot. Gypsum 40lbs per 250 square foot.
Blend altogether and you are ready to plant. If you have an existing garden refresh it with some new Mulch or Compost and bone meal and you are ready to plant.
If you want your winter rye to look vibrate green and lush then it is very important to be on a schedule with your fertilizing. You will want to fertilize your winter rye every 4-6 weeks depending on your soil conditions and watering habits. If your grass has a slight yellow look to it then its time to fertilize or cut back on your watering. People tend to over water their winter rye. You should only be watering it 2-3 times a week.