Monday, February 15, 2010

Summer Time!

Garden-Your garden should be setting fruit and veggies by now. It is not to late to plant you melons and orka. Continue to fertilize and water you garden.

Grass- Its hot, By now your perennial rye is burning out, cut down your rye as low as you can. Stop the water for a few day and de thatch if necessary. Then start your regular watering and fertilizing to your hybrid Bermuda and regular Bermuda. It won't be long before you have a lush summer lawn.

De Thatching- We de thatch our lawns to thin out the build up of dead grass and rooting in the lawn. This lets water and fertilizer penetrate the ground and creates a healthy green lawn.

Fertilize- Turf Royal 21-7-14 or Southwest Green Maker 18-0-6. The Green Maker also has sulfur iron and trace elements.

Watering- Depending on your soil condition water every morning to every third morning. Make sure you water in the a.m. If you water in the p.m. you have a chance of fungus or other disease.

Weeds- Yikes, they're here! Don't let these pest get out of hand, kill them at the root when they are small. For your yard you will need to bring in a small sample and we will suggest the right product to get rid of the problem. We carry a variety of weed killer that you can use in the lawn the keep the weeds out and the grass looking good.
For your rock we will suggest a product that will be a contact killer that will also kill plants and root, this too will depend on the area you need to cover.

Pre-emergent- Let's get the pre-emergent down to kill seeds that will sprout in to weeds. We have a huge variety of pre-emergents depending on the area you need to cover.

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